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Wildlife Research

& Management



Poché, R.M. 1980. Elephant management in Africa. Wildlife Society Bulletin, 8 (3):199-207

Poché, R.M. 1977. Elephant management in Africa.  First West African Wildlife Conference. Niamey, Niger. June 20-24

Poché, R.M. 1977. Comparative food selection in African ungulates. First West African Wildlife Conference. Niamey, Niger. June 20-24

Poché, R.M. 1977. The role of small mammals in national park management.  First West African Wildlife Conference.  Niamey, Niger. June 20-24


Poché, R.M. 1976. Seasonal distribution and reproduction in Artiodactyla from southwest Niger. Nigerian Field, 41 (1):31-40


Poché, R.M. 1976. Notes on primates in Parc National du W du Niger, West Africa. Mammalia, 40(2): 187-198.

Poché, R.M. 1975. The bats of Niger's National Park W, Niger, Africa. Mammalia, 39 (1):39-50

Poché, R.M. 1975. Notes on reproduction in Funiscirurs anerythrus from Niger. Journal of Mammalogy, 56 (4):931-933.

Poché, R.M. 1975. A preliminary census of wild ungulates in Parc National du W du Niger.  Nigerian Field, 40 (2):78-88

Poché, R.M. 1974. Seasonal distribution and reproduction in Artiodactyla from southwest Niger. 2nd East African Wildlife Symposium. Nairobi, Kenya

Poché, R.M. 1974. Ecology of the African elephant (Loxodonta A. africana) in Niger, West Africa.  Mamalia, 38(4): 567-580.


Poché, R.M. 1974. Notes on the Roan antelope (Hippotragus equinus (Desmarest)) in Western Africa. J. Applied Ecology, 11(3): 963-968.

Poché, R.M. 1973. Niger's threatened Park. W. Oryx, 12(2):216-222.

Other Areas:

VerCauteren, K.C., J.A. Shivik, T.J. Linder, M.J. Lavelle. 2005. Efficacy of an Animal Activated Frightening Device on Urban Elk and Mule Deer. USDA National Wildlife Research Center - Staff Publications. Paper 518.

Poché, R.M., Evans, S.J., Sultana, P., Hague, M.E., Sterner, R., and M.A. Siddique. 1987. Notes on the golden jackal (Canis aureus) in Bangladesh. Mammalia, 51(2):259-270

Poché, R.M. and M.Y. Mian. 1985. Comparison of two methods for monitoring population indices of small mammals on seasonal islands in Bangladesh. Acta Theologica, 30(8):161-165.

Poché, R.M. and M.Y. Mian. 1985. Comparison of two methods for monitoring population indices of small mammals on seasonal islands in Bangladesh. Acta Theologica, 30(8):161-165.


Poché, R.M. 1982. Nesokia indica from Bangladesh. Mammalia 46:547-549.

Poché, R.M. 1981. Ecology of the Spotted Bat (Euderma maculatum) in Southwest Utah. Utah Division of Wildlife Resources Publication No. 81-1.

Poché, R.M. 1980. Range extension of Rattus exulans in South Asia. Mammalia, 44(2):272.

Poché, R.M. 1979. Notes on the big free-tailed bat (Tandaria macrotis) from Southwest Utah. Mammalia, 43(1):125-126.

Ruffner, G., RM. Poché, M. Meierkord, and J. Neal. 1979. Winter bat activity over a desert wash in southwestern Utah.  The Southwestern Naturalist, 24(3): 447-453.


Poché, R.M. 1974. Ecology of the African elephant (Loxodonta A. africana) in Niger, West Africa.  Mamalia, 38(4): 567-580.





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